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Should I DIY My Own Divorce Case?

When you decide to divorce, you likely want to get through it as quickly as possible. Divorce is painful, and emotions run high. As such, many well-meaning spouses may try to tackle their divorce case on their own. They may want to save money and hope that a DIY divorce is an easy answer to all their problems.

Unfortunately, handling your own divorce case will likely cost you more time and money in the long run. Mistakes are easy to make, and trying to do it yourself could cost you significantly in the future.

Dangers of a DIY Divorce in Georgia

In Georgia, you can file a divorce yourself, and you do not need legal representation. However, there are many pitfalls going this route. Even if your divorce is uncontested and you and your ex agree on everything, you might forget to account for pensions, retirement funds, or other assets. To minimize your risks, it is essential to have legal representation throughout the process.

Lots of Complicated Paperwork

Filing for divorce involves a lot of paperwork. The language in that paperwork matters and can affect your entire future. The documents you must file are dependent on the county where you reside. If you fail to include county-specific forms, this can delay your divorce proceedings.

Complicated Calculations

You must prepare for even more paperwork if you have children, real estate, debt, or assets. Divorcing couples must complete detailed calculations regarding spousal support, child support, and asset distribution. But remember, what seems “fair” to you now, might be far from fair according to the courts. It may also be less than you need in the future.

Failing to Account for Children’s Needs

In addition to calculations, you will need to include a detailed parenting plan. This plan must cover who is in charge of taking care of the children, providing for their needs, and sharing the costs of their activities. Many couples who attempt to DIY their own divorce fail to account for shared expenses, such as summer camps, holidays, vacation time, and college expenses. They also fail to consider tax implications or who can decide about issues like vaccines and religion.

Missing Deadlines

Filing your own divorce is complex. It requires being on time with documents and making all mandated court appearances. If you miss a deadline or a court hearing, you may lose out considerably. Missing deadlines is not taken lightly in divorce cases and could set your divorce back longer.

Increased Stress

When going through a divorce, it's essential to have someone on your side who can help you through the process. While do-it-yourself divorce may seem like a good idea, it can cause you more stress in the long run. Many laws govern divorce, varying from county to county in Georgia. If you're not familiar with your county's laws, you could make mistakes that could cost you later on. You must also negotiate the terms of your divorce with your spouse. This can be difficult and stressful, especially if you're not used to negotiating.

Cost You More Money

Most divorcing couples choose the DIY route because they hope to save money. They believe that hiring a family law attorney will be too expensive and that they can save those costs by doing it themselves. While you might think you're saving money by doing your own divorce, you could end up spending more in the long run. If you make mistakes on the paperwork or don't understand your state's divorce laws, you could pay more in legal fees later on.

Overall, it's important to consider all your options before you decide to try a Do-It-Yourself divorce. While it might seem like a good idea at first, it could actually cause you more stress in the long run. Talk to an Atlanta divorce lawyer to learn more about your options and what would be best for you.

Contact Our Atlanta Divorce Attorneys

If you have questions about divorce in Georgia or any type of family law matter, our lawyers are here to help.

At Hobson & Hobson, P.C., our Atlanta divorce attorneys know that you want to get divorced as quickly and as painlessly as possible. We can help you do just that. Our attorneys can meet with you to discuss the divorce process and guide you through what comes next. 

Call us at (770) 284-6153 or fill out our confidential contact form. We can set up a consultation so that you can review all your legal options.